have you ever been given things to do because whoever is suppose to be doing it decide not to? reason given...oh i'm sick, and i'll be taking a month off. so now, who is going to be doing all these outstanding tasks? oh, please don't be mistaken. i did not volunteer myself. i'm not mad or stupid. why do someone else's job when i'm not paid to do it?
i wasn't given the choice to say no. i wasn't inform that i'll be taking over. it just sort of landed on my lap and told to get on with it. this is so unfair!!!!! and before i could take in *as in understand all the do's and don'ts of this bloody !@#$% tasks* i've got people calling in to see me to discuss about this. i didn't know i was given only 10 seconds to understand this bloody !@#$% tasks. and the worse part is, when i approach other colleagues that have experienced in dealing with this, i was turn down very unsympathetically. they, obviously, don't want to get involved in something they are not paid to do. but it's fine to them that suddenly this is my responsibility, EVEN WHEN I AM NOT PAID TO DO THIS!!!!
tell me whhyyyyy...*think BSB-I want it that way*...at home, i moan, whine and complain. in the office, i put a brave face on and got on with it. yes, i did sort out this bloody !@#$% mess. and yes, there are people that were grateful for my contribution. did all these comments make me feel good??? NO!!! i felt used and taken advantage of.
oh, and management did not pay me more or increase my pay for the extra work.
tell me wwwhhhyyyyy...
Ain't nothin' but a heartache...
tell me wwwhhhyyyyy...
Ain't nothin' but a shitty mess
tell me wwwhhhyyyyy...
I never want to be in this position again
have a nice day